Monday, September 12, 2016


During 10 days, 42 people from Turkey, Palestine, Italy, Spain, Jordan and Greece have met and shared time together refelcting about volunteering, creating a common supportive atmosphere, sharing rights and duties, joy and peace. Each country had an specific workshop to lead and introduced specific and concrete issues dealing what the common idea: INVEP 2.0 and volunteering in educational projects. As a result, the group perfomed the Stair of Participation, a metaphor to show the people from Mendicino village the different meanings and stages of participating and becoming active citizens in your own community. These are some photos and the final video (by Lisa Sampieri, italian participant). Hope you enjoy it!


EVS in Malaga

The second stage of INVEP 2.0 project was to host volunteers from the partner organizations to bring together six people ready to apply and learn from non formal education activities with kids in Malaga. As part of this initiative, Naira El Khordagy (Egypt, participant in the first INVEP), Sama Abufares, Muntaha Abed (Palestine), Eren Aslar (Turkey), Rawand Yazaw (Jordan) and Melisa Kosmopoulo (Greece) were part of different summer school teams where they had the chance to be an active support for the children activities in the camp.